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The Glenview History Center (GHC) is a non-profit organization staffed by volunteers. We depend upon donations and memberships to help us preserve Glenview's history. 


There are several ways to support our work. 

  • Subscribe to our newsletter for free to stay connected with the GHC.

  • Become a member for a small fee.

  • Make a donation.


Thank you in advance for preserving Glenview's history! 

Support Our Work

Subscribe to our newsletter

Our free quarterly newsletter is full of Glenview history facts and insight into our past.  

Become a member

Become a member and support our work at the GHC. Member benefits include member-only tours, events, and voting privileges at meetings.

Make a donation

Help us preserve and promote Glenview's history.  100% of all donations sustain the mission of the Glenview History Center. 

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Welcome to the Glenview History Center

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